We appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback on this course. Your feedback will be considered for inclusion in future revisions of the course.
Your name
Your email
What area does your feedback relate to? Select all that apply (Control-select) Course/website contentNavigation issues - elearningNavigation issues - websiteOn-site workshop queryGeneral feedbackOther (include details- Further details section)
Choose the option that best describes your circumstances: Rural landholder - Property less than 1haRural landholder - property between 1 and 10haRural landholder - property larger than 10haLandholder - urban fringe - bushfire prone areaLandholder - urban fringe - non bushfire prone areaUrban areaOther (please note in comments below)
Please describe your property if not described above:
How did you find the navigation of this package? 1 (Poor)2 (Fair)3 (Acceptable)4 (Good)5 (Excellent)
What was your knowledge of bushfire preparedness before starting this course? Limited/noneVery basic knowledgeSomewhat knowledgeableKnowledgeable but not confidentKnowledgeableN/A
What was your knowledge of bushfire preparedness after completing this course? Limited/noneVery basic knowledgeSomewhat knowledgeableKnowledgeable but not confidentKnowledgeableN/A
Which module does your feedback relate to? Select all that apply (Control-select) Module 1 Fire behaviourModule 2 Your bushfire planModule 3 Fire management arrangementsModule 4 Fuel management optionsModule 5 Managing safetyModule 6 Equipment operationModule 7 Planning and conducting your burn
Please provide further details to improve this package (optional)